Get It Done

It’s very easy to size up to the people you watch play.

You can see the work they put in, the reps, the time¬- you can see in the control of their movement. You can see in their flow, how each kick and movements transitions into each other. You can you see it in their audiles- changing movements when they need to esquiva or counterattack. It’s amazing.
How do you calculate that time?

The key is to not try to figure out how they did it. Ask, if anything, because they will tell you. It’s not a secret, and they won’t worry that you’ll encroach on their developing, stealing their training methods. They know most people who ask will never put that time in. In most cases, they figured out the time that works for them.
You need to figure out the time that works for you.

You’ll need to do it on your own, just like everyone else. It’s a champion-like mentality, so only a few really get to do something like. It’s not bad to rely on classes, or groups to get your training in order, or to accomplish the movements you’ve been working on- just know that the individual always has the capability to get it done.

So get it done.